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    (Stock Image)
    IRON MAN (1968-96) #80
    Marvel FN: 6.0
    Kirby cover
    Kirby cover
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    (Stock Image)
    IRON MAN (1968-96) #12
    Marvel VF+: 8.5
    ow/white pgs
    George Tuska cover/art; Johnny Craig inks; 1st app. of the Controller (Basil Sandhurst); Part 1 of 2.
    ow/white pgs
    George Tuska cover/art; Johnny Craig inks; 1st app. of the Controller (Basil Sandhurst); Part 1 of 2.
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    Highest Offer: $49
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    (Stock Image)
    IRON MAN (1968-96) #66
    Marvel NM: 9.4
    ow/white pgs, dstrbtr spray top left front cvr
    classic Kane Thor Vs Iron Man cover
    ow/white pgs, dstrbtr spray top left front cvr
    classic Kane Thor Vs Iron Man cover
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    Highest Offer: $55
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    (Stock Image)
    IRON MAN (1968-96) #99
    Marvel VF+: 8.5
    ow/white pgs
    Sunfire & Mandarin app.; bondage cover
    ow/white pgs
    Sunfire & Mandarin app.; bondage cover
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    IRON MAN (1968-96) #121
    Marvel VF/NM: 9.0
    ow/white pgs
    Romita Jr art; Sub-Mariner app.
    ow/white pgs
    Romita Jr art; Sub-Mariner app.
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    IRON MAN (1968-96) #192
    Marvel VF: 8.0
    white pgs
    Iron Man battles Iron Man; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    white pgs
    Iron Man battles Iron Man; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    (Stock Image)
    IRON FIST (1975-77) #12
    Marvel VF/NM: 9.0
    ow/white pgs; lt staining bttm back cvr
    Cockrum Captain America cover; Byrne art (4/77) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    ow/white pgs; lt staining bttm back cvr
    Cockrum Captain America cover; Byrne art (4/77) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    Highest Offer: $30
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    (Stock Image)
    Marvel VF: 8.0
    ow/white pgs
    Gil Kane cvr, George Perez art
    ow/white pgs
    Gil Kane cvr, George Perez art
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (2011) #34
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    white pgs
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (2011) #25
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    white pgs
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #279
    Marvel VF+: 8.5
    white pgs
    Avengers cover + Wolverine
    white pgs
    Avengers cover + Wolverine
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #313
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    ow/white pgs
    Mignola cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    ow/white pgs
    Mignola cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #321
    Marvel NM: 9.4
    white pgs
    Avengers app; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    white pgs
    Avengers app; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #322
    Marvel VF: 8.0
    white pgs
    Avengers cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    white pgs
    Avengers cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    Highest Offer: $2
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #606
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    ow/white pgs
    Fall of the Hulks
    ow/white pgs
    Fall of the Hulks
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #321
    Marvel VF+: 8.5
    white pgs
    Avengers app; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    white pgs
    Avengers app; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #300
    Marvel NM-: 9.2
    white pgs
    52 pgs; black costume Spider-Man + Hulk reverts back to angry Hulk
    white pgs
    52 pgs; black costume Spider-Man + Hulk reverts back to angry Hulk
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    INHUMAN #1
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    glossy! white pgs
    glossy! white pgs
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    (Stock Image)
    INCREDIBLE HULK (1962-99) #131
    Marvel VF/NM: 9.0
    ow/white pgs; sm 1.00 written on top of pg in pencil
    Iron Man cover; 1st app. of Jim Wilson; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    ow/white pgs; sm 1.00 written on top of pg in pencil
    Iron Man cover; 1st app. of Jim Wilson; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    Highest Offer: $50
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    INHUMAN #2
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    white pgs glossy!
    white pgs glossy!
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