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    Marvel VF/NM: 9.0
    hardcover with dust jacket
    hardcover with dust jacket
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    TALES OF TERROR ANNUAL (1951-53) #1953
    EC CGC VF+: 8.5
    crm/off-white pgs; QES Certified - Criteria met: beautiful high grade spine + perfect front cover edges + deep color strike (brown & blue)
    Al Feldstein cover/art; Wally Wood/Jack Kamen art; Vault Keeper, Crypt Keeper, and Old Witch cover; Bondage torture cover
    crm/off-white pgs; QES Certified - Criteria met: beautiful high grade spine + perfect front cover edges + deep color strike (brown & blue)
    Al Feldstein cover/art; Wally Wood/Jack Kamen art; Vault Keeper, Crypt Keeper, and Old Witch cover; Bondage torture cover
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    Highest Offer: $2,900
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    THOR 2000 ANNUAL #nn
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    THOR (1998-2004) #13
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    THOR 2001 #nn
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    THOR (1998-2004) #11
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    THOR (1998-2004) #9
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    THOR (1998-2004) #7
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    DC VG-: 3.5
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    TARZAN (1972) #251
    DC CBCS NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    Garcia-Lopez c/a
    white pgs
    Garcia-Lopez c/a
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    Highest Offer: $33
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    TARZAN (1977) #2
    Marvel CBCS NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    gorilla cover
    white pgs
    gorilla cover
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    THOR (1966-96; 2009-11) #277
    Marvel NM: 9.4
    glossy! white pgs
    Buscema art
    glossy! white pgs
    Buscema art
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    THOR (1966-96; 2009-11) #252
    Marvel FN+: 6.5
    Kirby Ulik battle cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Kirby Ulik battle cover; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    THOR (1966-96; 2009-11) #250
    Marvel NM-: 9.2
    glossy! white pgs
    Jack Kirby cover
    glossy! white pgs
    Jack Kirby cover
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    THOR (1966-96; 2009-11) #246
    Marvel FN++: 6.8
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    THOR (1966-96; 2009-11) #475
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    white pgs; collectors' edition foil cover
    Survival of the Fiercest
    white pgs; collectors' edition foil cover
    Survival of the Fiercest
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    THOR 1999 ANNUAL #nn
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    Dell F/VF: 7.0
    Dell Giant
    Dell Giant
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    THOR THE MIGHTY AVENGER (2010-11) #nn
    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    2011 Free Comic Book Day
    investment grade
    2011 Free Comic Book Day
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    TARZAN (1972) #208
    DC NM-: 9.2
    glossy! white pgs
    52 pgs; classic Kubert ape cover
    Pennsylvania Dutch Copy
    glossy! white pgs
    52 pgs; classic Kubert ape cover
    Pennsylvania Dutch Copy
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