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109,516 Results -  Per Page:
    BATMAN (1940-2011) #324
    DC CGC NM+: 9.6
    white pages; QES Certified - criteria met: preferred staple placement + perfect staple area + perfect spine + exceptional cover whiteness
    Cover art by Jim Aparo, classic Catwoman cover (6/80) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Pennsylvania Dutch Copy
    white pages; QES Certified - criteria met: preferred staple placement + perfect staple area + perfect spine + exceptional cover whiteness
    Cover art by Jim Aparo, classic Catwoman cover (6/80) COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Pennsylvania Dutch Copy
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    Highest Offer: $80
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    NEW TEEN TITANS (1980-84) #30
    DC CGC NM/M: 9.8
    white pgs
    Terra joins the Teen Titans; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
    white pgs
    Terra joins the Teen Titans; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 5 (CBI)
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    Highest Offer: $75
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    BATMAN (1940-2011) #51
    DC VG/F: 5.0
    cvr dtchd
    bondage cover; Penguin story; Full page ad for Superboy #1
    cvr dtchd
    bondage cover; Penguin story; Full page ad for Superboy #1
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    Highest Offer: $247
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    MICKEY MOUSE (1952-90) #173
    Dell VF/NM: 9.0
    Eiffel Tower cover
    Eiffel Tower cover
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    Harvey VG/F: 5.0
    The Boarder
    The Boarder
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    THOR (1966-96; 2009-11) #441
    Marvel NM-: 9.2
    glossy! white pgs
    Loki cover
    glossy! white pgs
    Loki cover
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    GREEN LANTERN (1960-86) #12
    DC VG: 4.0
    Gil Kane c/a; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    Gil Kane c/a; COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    GREEN LANTERN (1960-86) #10
    DC VG: 4.0
    ow/white pgs
    origin Green Lantern oath
    ow/white pgs
    origin Green Lantern oath
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    GREEN LANTERN (1960-86) #5
    DC G: 2.0
    1st app. Hector Hammond (4-4/61)
    1st app. Hector Hammond (4-4/61)
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    Highest Offer: $30
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    SPAWN (1992-) #24
    Image NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    Todd McFarlane cover/art; Steve Oliff colors;
    white pgs
    Todd McFarlane cover/art; Steve Oliff colors;
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    Highest Offer: $9
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    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    SPAWN (1992-) #25
    Image NM/M: 9.8
    white pgs
    Marc Silvestri cover; Matt Banning inks; 1st app of Tremor (Richard Masullo).
    white pgs
    Marc Silvestri cover; Matt Banning inks; 1st app of Tremor (Richard Masullo).
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    Highest Offer: $11
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    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    Marvel NM/M: 9.8
    investment grade
    investment grade
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    SPIDER-MAN (1990-98) #14
    Marvel NM+: 9.6
    white pgs
    Todd McFarlane cover/art; Morbius app. COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
    white pgs
    Todd McFarlane cover/art; Morbius app. COMIC BOOK IMPACT rating of 6 (CBI)
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    FROM HELL (1991-98) #10
    Tundra Press NM-: 9.2
    white pgs
    Alan Moore script
    white pgs
    Alan Moore script
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    FROM HELL (1991-98) #11
    Tundra Press VF/NM: 9.0
    white pgs
    Dance of the Gull Catchers by Moore and Campbell; scarce, low print run
    white pgs
    Dance of the Gull Catchers by Moore and Campbell; scarce, low print run
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    Charlton VF-: 7.5
    Prince Valiant, Flash Gordon
    Prince Valiant, Flash Gordon
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    Charlton VF/NM: 9.0
    Felix the Cat, Tim Tyler's Luck
    Felix the Cat, Tim Tyler's Luck
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    Charlton VF/NM: 9.0
    Quincy, Henry
    Quincy, Henry
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